j , or yurï

to which ever of my personalities that needs this

it’s unhealthy that i forgot what makes me whole

“ writing “

it’s been a while i wrote

& for me to write is to live

so i was only surviving on so much love.

i let you sail the boat ..

i forgot the things that made me , me.

i was so comfortable.

i’m sorry not to you

but to myself for letting you down

for thinking only that can fuel you.

i’m sorry not to you

but to myself for hoping for too much from you even when i forgot to take care of you.

i’m sorry , i’m sorry

but listen we still have forever to make amends

so starting today

i’ll constantly write a little bit more , when my heart blooms and when my heart darkens

on both days i’ll remember to be thankful despite all odds.

because this is the only thing i own.

– j , or maybe yurï

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