i guess

i guess

well i guess

bad habits take too

long to die

because you constantly remind

me that it is so

i guess we do things

we often complain of

we probably don’t notice

unless others do it to us

well i guess

its just one of my nags

but i promise i’d rather be in my bag

sorry it’s just too much for me

cause i’d never.


well , i guess

reflection 1. -taw🥀

in awe

in awe

as to how

quick you are to show

yours is yours truly

in total shock that

you’d constantly play victim

no i don’t blame you.

i only blame myself

for letting it happen

being amazing

and genuinely

caring wholeheartedly

nothing serious

just in ,

in awe

faded yelly

like a hex constantly jinxing

when i swear it’s better

it shows me it’s still in ctrl

did i forget

it was too good to be true

a spam of yellow days

was i almost forgetting

days of the blue

wow , you really must have thought

reality always on a clock

same old tick tock

always around the block

lurking waiting for a simple slip

i spoke so high of the yellow

it got tired of me

probably i do not deserve it fully

i say


a thing or two

bloom ,

here’s a thing or two for you the reader

i hope this meets you well and i hope the days are more yellow than blue , it’s been almost 365 days & i’m happy you’re still here. it’s been rough and tough but i’m glad you stood your ground

yes we have days , yes they take a toll on us

yes yes yes it’s everything , but you know what makes us stronger the fact that we are ready to heal. we do not let the sadness define us. we do what’s best for us , we let go , we move … if you haven’t been doing the trio then it’s time for immediate change.

here’s a thing or two about poetry – (soul food for me )

thing about poetry is , it heals your soul. let’s you know that you’re not alone & reminds you of how great your journey has been & i love that i write. because my words help me heal overnight , i plant seeds of bloom just before i go to bed & sleep hoping that tomorrow i’m > i was

here’s a thing or two from yurï – tawhida , who is occasionally a sunflower , who will bloom when the light comes. here’s a thing or two from me who has felt & who is still feeling.

here’s a thing or two for you , who deserves all the love in this world , who will heal accordingly, who will forgive , who will let go , who will love.

here’s a thing or two


just before a fall

Should I let go now

So many thoughts I suppressed

Is reasons I’m alone now

Wish I tried less

And all I said was thrown out

Or kept in cause i’m

ashamed for every moment that I spoke out

Twisted and specific

Why do I always have to think deep?

When the sorrow is addictive

the writings turn cryptic

To myself I will keep

Till I let myself sink deep

thoughts that overpower

with so much confusion

you ask why


because it hurts more

as the days go by

perhaps it never ends ?

perhaps it ends ?

who knows

because i don’t

and i hate that it’s like that

a really vicious cycle for me

picking up the pieces

just when every thing

is over

it hurts

but do i give up now

just when i’ve made this much progress ?

-thoughts of jumbled minds