
imagine finding peace in something that doesn’t belong to you ?
yes i can imagine
i channel all my sorrow to it
in hopes that it won’t be taken more sooner
than later
yet it is
every single time
i wonder why i never learn

i’m alright i say
when deep down
there’s a fire within me
i’m hurting in the inside
while the outside is almost perfect
you would never know
and i love it that way.

imagine finding a solace
imagine being so obsessed with it
and it can’t be yours
the feeling is heart breaking
soul crushing

the loneliness is slowly absorbing me
i almost know i can’t fight it
but i want to do better for me
for my body & my soul.

i’m a hopeless wanderer
like a magnet
attaching myself to anything
that has life just so i have a reason
a reason to let myself see the next day
i want to do better
but it is so hard
and finishing this phase is all i look forward to.

today i write in hopes that i’d let go of whatever it is.
today i write in hopes that ill look back tomorrow & say i survived
today i write because i hope this flame quenches
today i write because i want better
today i write because…

writing has saved me so many times.




sometimes you feel like the whole world is against you and you just want to disappear.
sometimes it doesn’t feel like you’re trying at all , sometimes everything hurts so bad.
sometimes you’re so moody and you don’t wish to talk to anyone.
sometimes you push people away because you feel that is what is best for you. sometimes you need to cry but the tears don’t come. sometimes you don’t want to cry but the tears flow either way.
sometimes you try to be extremely happy but nothing changes. sometimes you want to be better than what you’re but nothing happens
sometimes , sometimes.
i don’t know what helps me feel better
cry , feel whatever emotion you want to because you’re only human.
you’re allowed to feel every emotion, you’re allowed to try to be better. you’re allowed to think but don’t stress it cause it will kill you.

i occasionally have anxiety attacks , i cry a lot , i get sad a thousand times in 24hours.
but i understand that i’m only human.
i’ve come to terms with the fact that happiness is something rare for me but that doesn’t mean i’m going to stop chasing it.

i’m only human

