New beginnings ✨

Hey guys.

At some point in my life I was very suicidal ,all I wanted was for everything to end and all that….The thing isn’t about oh look ‘she’s always happy’ , ‘she has everything she wants’ , ‘she’s never sad’ ,A lot of people are going through a lot of things and you would never know cause they rather hide it. I would wake up every morning and say to myself “oh not again ” because I hated how I felt going back to reality , sleeping was my only break so I decided to sleep more instead of doing productive things & that was how I slowly was drifting , leaving my soul and my body. Losing myself . By the time You’re awake you start wondering why you’re still awake and not dead. You pick up a blade wondering if you should just finish everything once and for all but you stop. Why ? Cause you think about the people you love , then you say let’s see how today goes. And let’s see if they’re worth living for this goes on for a while till you begin to feel like you’re a burden just filling space in the family and all that…when they actual really love you . You try to reason things with yourself and see there’s no other option. Well you’re so wrong. So wrong . Everyone loves you , you’re amazing and you deserve the best , you deserve to live , you’d find happiness if not now , soon , you’d hope and the results will come out well

Suicide is not an option.

It is never an option.

Depression isn’t a joke and it slowly takes you. But with God and self love you’d fight it well. You need to remember that you need to live for YOU if not for anyone else , you need to remember that you have a lot to achieve , you need to remember that things will eventually get better cause God doesn’t burden a soul with more than it can bear.

Things will eventually get better and you’d find better. Use your free time to do a lot of stuffs that you like instead of thinking it will take your mind away from the things that bother you. Be friends with what scares you the most and you’d overcome it. Life isn’t always going to be easy , you’d have ups & you’d have downs. But it will get better eventually. I love you. And Always remember suicide isn’t an option and it will only be the beginning of your misery……

Cheers to new beginnings ❤️